PostDoc position: Engineering Corynebacterium glutamicum strains for industrial application


Job offer position

We are experiencing an era of translation, shifting from a fossil based production mode to sustainable bioeconomy. As a crucial prerequisite, novel bioprocesses using renewable resources should replace existing fossil routes to reduce the human made CO2 footprint. In this context a novel bioprocess is currently developed with an industrial partner to make biotech production happen in large-scale.

We want to foster our current strain engineering team by an excellent candidate who offers dedicated skills working with C. glutamicum. Strain engineering will build on existing producer cells that need to be further optimized for industrial application. Related works will be tightly networked with the industrial partner.

Applicants should show a pro-active attitude. You are profoundly trained for applying synthetic/molecular biology tools for strain engineering of prokaryotes, ideally C. glutamicum. You have achieved a doctoral degree in Biotechnology, Technical Biology, Synthetic Biology or similar with excellent marks.

The open position is funded for 2 years starting at March 1st 2025. The salary is the equal to E13 (PostDoc).


Please, send your applications to:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors

Institut für Bioverfahrenstechnik (IBVT)

Allmandring 31

70569 Stuttgart


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