Publications of research papers, review papers - or conference contributions related to the DFG SPP 2170 priority program.
Schlembach, Ivan; Grünberger, Alexander; Rosenbaum, Miriam A.; Regestein, Lars 2021: Measurement Techniques to Resolve and Control Population Dynamics of Mixed-Culture Processes. Trends in Biotechnology 21
David JR, Noack S. 2020: Editorial overview: Causes and biotechnological application of microbial metabolic specialization. Curr Opin Biotechnol 62
Kappelmann J, Klein B, Papenfuß M, Lange J, Blombach B, Takors R, Wiechert W, Polen T, Noack S. 2021: Comprehensive Analysis of C. glutamicum Anaplerotic Deletion Mutants Under Defined D-Glucose Conditions. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 8, 1549
Noack S, Baumgart M. 2019: Communities of Niche-Optimized Strains: Small-Genome Organism Consortia in Bioproduction. Trends Biotechnol 37(2):126-139
Briesen, H.; Schmideder, S. & Müller, H.
Morphological characterization and modeling of filamentous fungi. Conference contribution:4th Indo-German Workshop on Advances in Reaction and Separation processes, 2020
Schmideder, S. & Briesen, H.
Following fungal features - Micromorphology and diffusivity of filamentous fungal pellets revealed by three-dimensional imaging and simulation. Conference contribution: Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology, 2021
Müller, H.; Schmideder, S.; Barthel, L.; Niessen, L.; Meyer, V. & Briesen, H.
Optimized X-ray microcomputed tomography and 3D volumetric image processing of filamentous fungal pellets. Conference contribution: ProcessNet Jahrestagung (online Event), 2020
Burmeister B, Akhtar Q, Hollmann L, Tenhaef N, Sokolowsky S, Marienhagen M, Noack S, Kohlheyer K, Grünberger A. 2021: (Optogenetic) control of synthetic microbial co-culture interactions on a microcolony level. ACS Synth. Biol. 2021, 10, 6, 1308–1319
Schlembach, Ivan; Grünberger, Alexander; Rosenbaum, Miriam A.; Regestein, Lars 2021: Measurement Techniques to Resolve and Control Population Dynamics of Mixed-Culture Processes. Trends in Biotechnology 21
Dusny, C, Grünberger, A. 2020: Microfluidic single-cell analysis in biotechnology: from monitoring towards understanding. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. Volume 63, 2020, Pages 26-33
Kappelmann J, Klein B, Papenfuß M, Lange J, Blombach B, Takors R, Wiechert W, Polen T, Noack S. 2021: Comprehensive Analysis of glutamicum Anaplerotic Deletion Mutants under Defined D-Glucose Conditions. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 8, 1549.
Stella RG, Gertzen CG, Smits SH, Gätgens C, Polen T, Noack S, Frunzke J 2021: Biosensor-based growth-coupling and spatial separation as an evolution strategy to improve small molecule production of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Metab Eng, 68, 162-173
David JR, Noack S. 2020: Editorial overview: Causes and biotechnological application of microbial metabolic specialization. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol 62.
Noack S, Baumgart M. 2019: Communities of Niche-Optimized Strains: Small-Genome Organism Consortia in Bioproduction. Trends Biotechnol 37(2):126-139.
Kremling, A. 2021: A counting-strategy together with a spatial structured model describes RNA polymerase and ribosome availability in Escherichia coli, Metabolic Engineering 67, pp 145
Heins, A.L. Manh Dat Hoang, Dirk Weuster-Botz 2021: Advances in automated real-time flow cytometry for monitoring of bioreactor processes. Eng Life Sci; 00, 1-20,
Schneider M, Bäumler M, Lee NM, Weuster-Botz D, Ehrenreich A, Liebl W. 2021: Monitoring co-cultures of Clostridium carboxidivorans and Clostridium kluyveri by fluorescence in situ hybridization with specific 23S rRNA oligonucleotide probes. System Appl Microbiol 44: 126271.
Bäumler M, Schneider M, Ehrenreich A, Liebl W, Weuster-Botz D. 2021: Synthetic co-culture of autotrophic Clostridium carboxidivorans with chain elongating Clostridium kluyveri monitored by flow cytometry. Microb Biotechnol
Rosenbaum, M. et al. 2021: Measurement Techniques to Resolve and Control Population Dynamics of Mixed-Culture Processes", Trends Biotechnology.
Rosenbaum, M. et al. 2020: Consolidated bioprocessing of cellulose to itaconic acid by a co-culture of Trichoderma reesei and Ustilago maydis", Publication in Biotechnology for Biofuels
Schmideder, S., Müller, H., Barthel, L., Friedrich, T., Niessen, L., Meyer, V., & Briesen, H. (2020).Universal law for diffusive mass transport through mycelial networks. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 118(2), 930–943.
Füting, P., Barthel, L., Cairns, T., Briesen, H., & Schmideder, S. 2021: Filamentous fungal applications in biotechnology: a combined bibliometric and patentometric assessment. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 8, 23 (2021).
Meyer V, Cairns T, Barthel L, King R, Kunz P, Schmideder S, Müller H, Briesen H, Dinius A, Krull R. 2021: Understanding and controlling filamentous growth of fungal cell factories: novel tools and opportunities for targeted morphology engineering. Fungal Biol Biotechnol 23;8(1):8.
Fitschen, J. Hofmann, S. Wutz, J. Kameke, A. Hoffmann, M. Wucherpfennig, T. Schlüter, M. 2021 Novel evaluation method to determine the local mixing time distribution in stirred tank reactors Chemical Engineering Science: X 10: 100098 (2021-05-01).
Conference contributions
Müller, H., Schmideder, S., Barthel, L., Niessen, L., Meyer, V., & Briesen, H. 2020: Optimized X‐ray microcomputed tomography and 3D volumetric image processing of filamentous fungal pellets. Conference Talk ProcessNet. Abstract appeared in Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 92(9), 1201. org/10.1002/cite.202055040
Müller, H., Schmideder, S., Barthel, L., Hammel, J., Meyer, V., & Briesen, H. 2021: Inside mycelium - synchrotron radiation and image processing to unveil the time-resolved three-dimensional growth of filamentous fungal pellets. at 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology Berlin. Keynote presentation. Online conference.
Khajehesamedini, A., Müller, H., Yan, J., Schmideder, S., Barthel, L., Meyer, V., Briesen, H. 2021: Coupled Population Balance Models for the Aggregation/Growth of Aspergillus Niger Spores and Formation of Pellets. Presentation at 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin. Lecture, Online conference.
Schmideder S., Barthel, L., Müller, H., L., Meyer, V., & Briesen, H. 2020: On the three-dimensional morphology and substrate-diffusion in filamentous fungal pellets. 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, Rom. Presentation.
Schmideder, S., Briesen, H. 2021: Following fungal features - Micromorphology and diffusivity of filamentous fungal pellets revealed by three-dimensional imaging and simulation. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology. Lecture, Online conference.
Kheirkhah, T., Neubauer, P., Junne, S., 2021: Control of macromorphology and the implications on product formation in Aspergillus niger. 6th BioProScale Lecture, Conference, Berlin.
Kheirkhah, T., Neubauer, P., Junne, S. 2021: Controlling Aspergillus niger morphology under low shear forces in a wave-mixed bioreactor. Presentation at 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin, Lecture. Online Conference.
Briesen, H.; Schmideder, S. & Müller, H. 2020: Morphological characterization and modeling of filamentous fungi. 4th Indo-German Workshop on Advances in Reaction and Separation processes. Conference Talk.
Zuchowski, R. 2021: Communities of niche-optimized strains (CoNoS ) for production of value-added compounds. 7-9 Jul 2021, EMBO EMBL Symposium: New Approaches and Concepts in Microbiology. Lecture, Online conference.
Schito, S, Zuchowski, R. 2021: Communities of Niche-optimized Strains (CoNoS) for production of value-added compounds. ECCE & ECAB, 20-23.9.2021, Lecture. Online conference.
Bäumler M, Schneider M, Ehrenreich A, Liebl W, Weuster-Botz D. 2021: Fluorescence in-situ hybridization combined with flow cytometry for monitoring of clostridial co-cultures during syngas fermentation. 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), 20.-23.09.2021, Lecture. Online conference.
Rehnert, M. Takors, R. 2021: Novel eLearning concepts in cross-discipline engineering tandem projects. 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), 20.-23.09.2021, Online Poster
Mook, A. et al. 2021: Autotrophic lactate production using engineered A. woodii strains and quantification via fluorescence based methods. Workshop Biological Carbon Capture, 27.04.21, online.
Mook, A. et al. 2021: Caproate production from CO2/H2 in synthetic co-culture employing the key metabolite lactate. 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECCE & ECAB), 20.-23.09.21, Lecture, Online conference.
Kratzl, F., Kremling, A., Pflüger-Grau, K. 2021: Synthetic Co-Culture for the Production of Bioplastics from Light and CO2: Deciphering the Interplay of Synechococcus elongatus and Pseudomonas putida. 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECCE & ECAB), 20.-23.09.21, Lecture. Online conference.
Kratzl, F., Kremling, A., Pflüger-Grau, K. 2021: Light-driven mcl-PHA production with genetically engineered Pseudomonas putida in a synthetic co-culture with Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 cscB-04.03.2021 Fachtagung Bioplastics "Science Meets Industry", Talk. Online conference.
Kratzl, F., Kremling, A., Pflüger-Grau, K. 2021: Synthetic co-culture for the Production of Bioplastics from Light and CO2: Deciphering the Interplay of elongatus and P. putida. 15.-17.11 Cyano2021: Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria - “ Photosynthesis – from its origin to applications” Poster, Online conference.
Büchs, J. 2021: High-throughput online-monitoring helps to uncover pigment production mechanisms in Streptomyces coelicolor", Lecture. Online conference contribution ECAB 2021.
Rosenbaum, M. 2019: Consolidated bioprocessing of cellulose to itaconic acid by a co-culture of Trichoderma reesei and Ustilago maydis", Lecture. Conference contribution, PYFF 2019.
Rosenbaum, M. 2019: Filamentous microbial co-culture for biotechnological production of natural products" Poster. Conference contribution, PYFF 2019.
Hoang, M. D., Heins, A.L. Weuster-Botz, D. 2021: Analysis of population heterogeneity applying multiple reporter strains in a two-compartment system, 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), 20.-23.09.2021, Lecture. Online conference.
Wollenhaupt, B. et al. 2020: Microbial single-cell analysis under microfluidic batch cultivation. Conference: Microfluidics: Designing the Next Wave of Biological Inquiry. Online Poster.
Schlüter, M. et al. 2020: Multiscale Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in Bioreactors (1. Hamburg-Bochumer Mehrphasensymposium, Hamburg/Bochum, conference contribution, Online Poster.
Schlüter, M. et al. 2020: Measurement of Lagrangian Tracks in a 3 L Stirred Tank Reactor using 4D Particle Tracking Velocimetry with Shake-the-Box, , 14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry – ISPIV, Lecture, Online conference.
Hofmann, S. Gaugler, L. Fitschen, J. Kameke, A. Schlüter, M. Takors, R. 2021: Lagrangian Particle Tracking and Bioreactor Compartmentalization as Novel Scale-up Tools for Biopharmaceutical Processes. 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECCE & ECAB), Lecture, Online conference.
Takors R. 2020. Transferring microbial processes from lab to industrial scale: Lessons learned for strain engineering and large-scale modeling. September 28th, symposium at University of Liège accompanying a PhD defense, Belgium (online).
Takors R. 2020. Scaling up microbial processes: Data-driven modeling and strain engineering for robust performance in large bioreactors. October 28th, Lectures at the Leading Edge, invited, University of Toronto, Canada, online.
Takors R. 2021. Exploiting Scale-down Tests for Engineering a Robust coli Host as a Platform for Industrial Production Processes, keynote, March 3rd, BioProScale, Berlin (online).
Takors R. 2021. Scaling up from lab to industrial scale minimizing performance loss. Invited talk, June 23rd, BioTech, Paris, France (online).
Takors R. 2021. Strains and modeling tools for scaling up microbial bioprocesses. October 15th, ProSYS meeting, keynote, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Takors, R. 2021. Scale-down in practice. December 5th, Advanced Course ‘Multiscale Computational Methods in Bioprocesses’, Delft, The Netherlands