
Equipment for research

We focus on working in the fields of microbial and mammalian cell cultivations. Therefore we are equipped with an extensive Biotechnikum and cell culture lab, as well as different labs for molecular biology. Furthermore devices for bioproduct processing like solid-liquid separation, cell disruption, extraction and chromatographie are in use.

Our analytical departments are specialized to measure typical off-line process data. Highly sensitive MS-devices help our researchers for intracellular metabolomic analyzes

One of our two 300 L scale bioreactors
Part of the biotechnikum housing two 300 L scale bioreactors


Scientific Coordination:
apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Siemann-Herzberg

Head Technician:
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Freund

Technical Staff:
Dipl-Ing. (FH) Alexander Dietrich


Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Takors / apl. Prof. Dr. M. Siemann-Herzberg

The center for bioprocess engineering has a modern biotechnikum which is also used by other institutes of the University of Stuttgart. The technical staff of the IBVT is responsible for its maintenance and development of new biotechnical equipment.

The Biotechnikum contains various fermentation plants with working volumes up to 200 L. Using these bioreactors processes for micro- and macromolecular products are investigated along with fundamental research in the fields of systems biology and metabolic engineering. Additional to this upstream processing we are able to study and optimize various downstream objectives.

Instrumental Analytics

Head and contact:
Dr. Attila Teleki

Technical staff:
Eugenia Münch
Andrea Seipel
Martina Schweikert

Our lab for instrumental analytics is in tight cooperation with the biotechnikum and the departments of mammaliam cell culture and molecular biology for precise analysis of biological samples from cultivations derived from shaking flask until 200 L scaleprocesses.

The spectrum of the workloads includes integrative sampling procedures and preparations (quenching, purification, extraction, derivatization etc.), quantitative measurements as well as data evaluation. The analytical focus lies in the detection of fermentative substrates and products as well as intracellular metabolites (Metabolomics).

One approach is the quantification of special target-metabolites for the use in modelling concepts. Particularly important is the distinction between intracellular and extracellular metabolites for application in systems biology and metabolic engineering.

Another approach deals with the characterization of the metabolic state of a biological system by using non-targeted measurements. This can aim to identify particular metabolic pathways (profiling) or the whole metabolom (fingerprinting). Furthermore, specific organic molecules from biocatalytic synthesis or protein fragments can be analysed.


Analytical Profile:

  • GC/LC- and LC-MS-based quantification of intra- and extracellular metabolites

  • LC-MS-based identification of unknown or novel compound

  • Quantitative Metabolic Profiling, Metabolic Finger- and Foodprinting

  • Absolute and relative quantification strategies

  • 13C Metabolomics

Research & Development

  • Semi-automated sampling

  • Sample preparation and metabolic quenching

  • Sample derivatization

  • Gas chromatography

  • Liquid chromatography

  • Isotope dilution mass spectrometry

  • Data analysis

Analytical platforms







  • GC-FID



Working at parallel bioreactors

Mammalian Cell Culture

For experimental mammalian cell culture studies four 1.5 L parallel-bioreactors, two 2.5 L bioreactors, and a Ramos-system for online monitoring exist. The 300 L reactors in the biotechnikum can be used for scale-up experiments. Furthermore, our analytical protfolio as well as a flow cytometer helps for cell culture investigations. For further information please refer to Prof. Dr. Ing. Ralf Takors.


Researchers at the IBVT also work in the field of modelling and simulation of highly dynamical processes. For further information please refer to Prof. Dr. Ing. Ralf Takors.

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