DFG SPP 2170 Team

The 'InterZell' team welcomes you

Coordinator of the priority program 'InterZell'  is Prof. Ralf Takors. He is supported by the advisory board and the self-organization of 'InterZell'. At the kickoff 2023, the new board, the women's representative and an ombudsperson for the self-organization were elected by all researchers.The board members and other responsible persons with regard to their function can be found here.

New Self-organization and Board SPP "InterZell" elected at Kickoff

Our researchers come from institutes and universities from all parts of Germany. Please find the PI´s of the research groups of our InterZell community here.

Social Media & PR

You can stay in touch with us via Social Media, on Twitter and Instagram or LinkedIn. We would be delighted if you share, tweet, like and communicate with us!

This image shows Ralf Takors

Ralf Takors

Prof. Dr.-Ing.


This image shows Martina Rehnert

Martina Rehnert


Post-Doc, Project Manager DFG SPP 2170 „InterZell“

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